Tuesday 7 December 2010

Design and Layout

The above screenshot demonstrates how I have followed a conventional layout style in my product. I feel that the while the layout adheres to conventions instead of challenging them, this is necessary as the audience would be familiar with this kind of layout style as it is seen in a variety of existing magazines including Mixmag and NME. The bright colours are attractive and white, black and grey are used to add impact. I used a pale green colour for the background to make it easy to read against the black text. The typography, a mix of Helvetica in the body text and Geo Sans Light in the headline, byline and pull-quote, presents the content as non-traditional and interesting.
The sans serif typography seen in the masthead and throughout the magazine reflects the content as it has a contemporary feel. The headphones logo appeals to the target audience, frequent users of mobile phones and iPods which require them. I specifically used black, white and grey in the masthead as these colours could fit i with almost any colour scheme used in different issues of the magazine.

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