Monday 6 December 2010

Using Pages

I used Pages to create my feature article. Using feature articles from NME and Mixmag as references, I included elements seen in existing publications such as a title, subheading, a dropped capital and a pull quote. I used a combination of fonts to make it the title, subheading and pull quote look stylised. For the body text, I used a simpler font that would be easier to read.
For continuity, I also included a footer made in Photoshop with the magazine's logo, the issue number, date and page number
Yet another continuity feature was the use of colour. The colour scheme of pink, green, grey and black was used throughout my publication.
I created a pull quote using the text box function on Pages and included a photo of the artist on the page opposite the text, a layout seen often in NME. The colour background was made using a shape moved to the background and I changed the placement of the title and subheading in the final version.

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